No C 46
Madrid, Museo Arqueologico 10904
Black-figure hydria
The Leagros Group

A god is seated on a folding stool. He is represented with head and legs in profile to the right, the body diagonally, almost in the same scale as the standing figures before him. The right forearm is extended horizontally forward, the hand holding a twig. The left arm is extended obliquely upward, the hand holding a staff, surmounted by a big knob. The god has a luxuriant pointed beard, and wears his long hair loose, with twigs fastened by a narrow headband. His dress oonsists of a chiton and a himation, which covers the left arm.

There are three other deities at the right side of the picture: two goddesses, close to each other, wearing twigs in the hair, the one, the right arm extended obliquely downward, with palm turned downward and extended fingers, the left arm raised, with palm turned outward and extended fingers, the other, the right forearm extended horizontally forward, with palm turned upward and extended fingers, almost grasping the beard of the god, the left arm raised, the hand holding a band or taenia, to put on the head of the god, and Ares, characterised as such by shield and greaves.

Furthermore some horses are seen on the picture: four draughting horses at the left side wearing twigs in the mane, and a horse with rider at the right side, a dog going at his side.

C.V. Zeus à la naissance d'Athène, assisté par les Ilythies.
Beazley: Unexplained subject (seated king, two woman standing before him, one off whom crowns him, while the other touches his beard and tigh as if suppliant, warrior, horseman, chariot.)
N.B. The position of the arms of the goddesses is a matter for argument. I have got onto my description by paying attention to the overcutting lines of feet and hands.

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